Disappearing track in T:ANE.


I started to build a route in T:ANE (Build 74539), and I used TANE trk jarrah for the track.
When I went back to the route this morning, I found that the track had turned into white
dotted lines and TANE trk jarrah was being flagged as red. I went to the DLS and this
track, which is built-in, was showing 'missing dependencies'. There were no errors or warnings.
I done a database repair and a restart. This time the track is available again, but it did not
appear in the route, all I had was the dotted white lines. Also a few other items have
disappeared, which are not being flagged as faulty. Do I have to replace the track and
the other missing items myself, or is there some sort of glitch which will right itself?
Any comments greatly appreciated.
You said it showed as having Missing Dependencies - did you check to see what the dependency was and if you could download it?

I did check, but I couldn't find anything, anyway, the track itself has now become
available, problem was, it didn't return to the route.