Disappearing Rolling Stock


New member
Something strange has happened. Yesterday I booted up my layout to do more work on it… And discovered that every single item of rolling stock has disappeared, every single wagon and carriage has gone, including those built into Trainz. Diesels and steam engines are there but the tenders for the steam engines have also disappeared. They are all listed in the tab but there are no thumbnails. I had a loco with a rake of carriages on the layout for test purposes, the loco was there but the rake of coaches had vanished. I would have expected the black screen to come up to tell me there were missing dependencies. I ran TO and it shows all the rolling stock as being there except when running TO on the layout itself it only shows the loco in the list of assets for that layout.…. no rolling stock… As an experiment I tried running a built in session and got a screen telling me it could not load the script…Has anyone else experienced this phenomena? I am running TRS 2004 and I do have all my assets backed up so all is not completely lost and I’m guessing a complete reinstall is necessary.
One thing comes to mind… I reinstalled Paintshed last week. When I tried using it I kept getting the message that Paintshed was not responding. I had this in the past when I have installed Paintshed so I uninstalled Paintshed, could that uninstall have removed all the rolling stock?

Definitely, if said rolling stock is Paintshed dependant, you will lose it.
Isn't there an upgrade needed after installing Paintshed?

Thanks for the replies.... I don't know of any upgrade for Paintshed... I don't have any rolling stock that has been repainted so not having Paintshed isn't really a problem... I am curious though as to why I get the message that Paintshed is not responding.
It is every item of rolling stock including built in items that vanished, this has only affected items that do not have an engine!
Err... I didn't think of deleting the chump file.... Although after running TO it did say something about deleting the chump file so that Trainz could rebuild it... that didn't solve the problem.
I have opted for doing a complete reinstall.... Hopefully that will sort everything out. I do have all the assets backed up on an external drive....It's just time consuming. I have around 10Gb's of assets so I hope that just transferring the folders back into The World folder will speed the installation up.