Disable unnessesary background programs?


New member
:confused: I apologize for beating a dead horse, but I am confused! I know where to go to access the files, but who can tell me what not to disable? All help appreceated. Ralph
:confused: I apologize for beating a dead horse, but I am confused! I know where to go to access the files, but who can tell me what not to disable? All help appreceated. Ralph

If you have enough memory this may not be necessary. I'm running with 3 gigs and XP and its faster with nothing disabled. Someone else found the same thing, they had stacks of memory as well. It's also much safer.

Cheerio John
Just1 Gig.AMD Athlon XP 3200 Processor,GenForce 5200.256 Ram.
Old Machine. I didn't put FRAPS on it, but It is noticeable to the Eye, Ed
Just1 Gig.AMD Athlon XP 3200 Processor,GenForce 5200.256 Ram.
Old Machine. I didn't put FRAPS on it, but It is noticeable to the Eye, Ed

Disable all Internet access programs, firewalls, antivirus, adware and popup blokers. Leave all system programs running.
Disable all Internet access programs, firewalls, antivirus, adware and popup blokers. Leave all system programs running.

make sure that if you disable your anti virus that you have pulled the adsl cable out the wall plug, else you will soon have a dead box