Different Length Tracks


New member
Well ive just downloaded some track, and it comes in all different lengths eg. 2.5mts, 10mts, 20mts and 30 mts from memory. What i was wonderig is there a reason for this, if so what is it?? Would it be ok just to use say the 2.5mts lenghts all the way through. As on tight corners the track become squareish if longer ones are used!!


p.s. I think i just answered my own question :hehe:, anyway let me know what you think.
G'day Brownie, having 'been there, done that' - I can tell you, the reasoning for this 'different track length'. 2.5m stuff is excellent for yard turnouts, etc - as it 'repeats' itself every 2.5m. HOWEVER - using such over, say, 600m - would not be a wise idea, as you'd get massive FPS hits due to the track segments repeating themselves so close together. 8m or larger is suitable for long sweeping curves, 10m or greater is perfect for long sections (large yards, straights, etc). Hope this helps :)
It has to do with poly count. The longer tracks have the same poly count as the shorter ones. The long tracks are good for straight tracks and the shorter ones for curves. Each track has 16 to 18 polys. If you have say a 15 track yard, you would want to use all long tracks for the straight portions to keep the overall poly count of the yard down.

Try laying several lenghts of short tracks side by side and watch your frame rate. Then, do the same with the long tracks and you will see where the different track lengths come in handy. Hope this clears it up some.

Well ive got abit more work ahead of me, before coming back and checking on this thread i thought i would relay the track on th Robe River Route using the 2.5mts section only. As you said plays havok on my FPS, But owell this how the cookie crumbles, i shall do it again properly this time!! lol
