difference 2006 - TC


New member
Hi , whats the difference between 2006 and TC ( i mean the coreprogram , not the routes )
I have read something about lighting .
And what are the small bugs in CT ? i have read : sky to fast , and a lod problem for some vehicules .
I know that TC can sometimes crash when caching large areas... although I think it's just my bad memory sticks I need to RMA. But, yeah, the sky is too fast, but the Trainz team is working on a fix for it.

Improved shadows, improved performance most of the time, undo bug fixed, CMP is little more stable (but still lots of bugs like before)... um, a lot more. There's a lot more under the hood than you think.

It has less built-in content than TRS2006, which could pose a problem, but if you have TRS2006 installed (or you bought Merscom's "Trainz Railwayz" which includes TRS2006 with TC), you can import all your content (built-in too) from it. Just do a forum such. :wave:

I'd say it's worth buying it.
Remind me what all these CMP bugs are again please.


I'll list some I know off the top of my head...

When you reach 2GB, the total downloaded amount goes to some weird negative number... it not wanting to recognize you for unknown reasons, where you have to reset your information in properties... some times when you start it, it opens up two of itself which makes it not open, you have to kill one CMP process via task manager to let the other run... random lock ups and freezes... usually when you have to force quit it, it has to rebuild the asset database on next start... can seriously slow down even medium-range systems... difficult to use for downloading from DLS because it almost never sees thumbnails of assets, unlike the online DLS...

It's still a work in progress. :o

The TC CMP DOES have some good improvements in it, but it's still far from perfect. ;)