If I remember correctly, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the story goes like this. ANL made the Challenger and TTT-6, uploaded to RRMods.com. Later they where joined by the FEF. ANL then became a partner with Jointed Rail, and requested his content taken down off of RRMods so it could be updated and redistributed through Jointed Rail. They where taken down however I believe they where put back up without ANL's permission. Because of this, ANL decided to not re-release his content immediately on Jointed Rail, and instead decided to take his time updating it. Of course, because people don't know the whole story they believe ANL was being selfish when instead he was just protecting his hard work. A large amount of people who didn't have the content became gimme-pigs and ANL was put under a lot of pressure to re-release his content so he walked away from Trainz for a while.