Diamond Crossing Problem


New member
I am making a layout where I have a double track branching off to the right, so the left-hand track has to cross the oncomimg 'straight ahead' track.
If an oncoming train on the 'straight ahead' track arrives at the junction at the same time as a train which is branching right, they pass through each other with no collision!

That doesn't look very authentic to say the least! So I tried using the Diamond Crossing Rule. But it doesn't seem to make any difference in this situation.

Does anyone know how to signal this situation correctly please?


I would also like to know the best way of working round this. At one point (back in 2004 or so!) I had made a rule that forced given signals to a specific state based on the way a switch was thrown, but since then I've not used trainz a huge amount and have lost the rule along the way. Someone else must have come up with something in the meantime?


edit: this is for TRS2004 if it makes any difference...
its just somthin in trainz no way to fix i got this prob. just slow one speed other...get it,got it...goooooooood
Check out the "Trigger Multiple Signals" thread and rule. Works pretty well.
Searching for 'diamond' in the forums yields a few ideas too.
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This is how I got round it using the Trigger Multiple Signal rule. Place a trigger on each arm of the crossover and name them (I've used 1 & 2). Place signals which can show danger on the approach to the junction and name them (I've left out all the other signals to keep it simple). Set the trigger radius to just inside the distance of the signals from the trigger. Add the triggers and the signals to the Trigger Multiple Signal rule.
Any train entering the trigger radius area sets both signals to danger stopping any other trains passing the red signals and onto the crossover. The signals clear when the train leaves the trigger radius area.