
Old Timer
I have tried search but can't find any threads on where to get the HOG software and how to use DEM and it. Years ago there was a tutorial I think but I have lost track of it. Can anyone point me to HOG location and to any tutorials?
If you are using TRS2006 that is outdated.
I cant seem to get my route to show up. It tells me:

"Error No Map Selected"

If anyone knows how to do it in TRS2006 it would be grateful.
Someone should make a new tutorial for it. So its up to date and not in the TRS2004 era.

The only difference using TRS2006 is you have to use CMP to open for editing in explorer the new route you created and replace the gnd file in it and then commit it. In trs2004 you had to replace the gnd file in route's folder under custom\maps\.

Pretty easy and not so different if you think about it.

Bob Pearson
I have tried search but can't find any threads on where to get the HOG software and how to use DEM and it.

This is a major disadvantage of the search function in its current settings. It does not support three letter search words.
HOG works fine with TRS 2006.

It used to be on the Trainz Luvr site, but i haven't been able to get on that web site for some time.

Everything seemed to work but when I opened the map the marks showing roads and rails were not there. On the mini map I could see them but not on the big map. Any ideas?
It's still on his site.

Mine never works. Just tried it again. No clue what I am doing wrong though.

Everything seemed to work but when I opened the map the marks showing roads and rails were not there. On the mini map I could see them but not on the big map. Any ideas?

i downloaded a map made with hog and dem and if you haven't downloaded the hog texture pack they wont show up
Download the HOG textures pack ( from Fishlips site here.

Unzip the downloaded file to a folder on the desktop.

Start CMP and select 'Import Content' from the 'Files' drop-down menu. Navigate to the new desktop folder and highlight - click 'OK' . Next dialogue box click 'View in main list'. From the 'Edit' menu click on 'Select all' then 'Commit'.

That should do it....

Andy :)
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Dermmy, you're awesome! Worked like a charm.
Now if I can clarify one more point. The tutorial spoke of being able to merge two dems, but the link was to a thread on the "old" forum. Can some one point me to the proper information. The dem I wanted for my town is in an east and west dem so I need both of them together.
It's still on his site.

Mine never works. Just tried it again. No clue what I am doing wrong though.


Just as a pointer, I had tried it for some time, but never could get it to work. I recently tried it again, and discovered you must have the TILE_BLANK.DAT (or whatever it is) in the same folder as the *.TARGA image you are using for it to work. I actually have a DEM Maps folder, and have different folders inside of it for each route. I copy and paste the DAT file into each one...never has given me trouble since! :cool:

Now if I can clarify one more point. The tutorial spoke of being able to merge two dems, but the link was to a thread on the "old" forum. Can some one point me to the proper information. The dem I wanted for my town is in an east and west dem so I need both of them together.

When you are in Surveyer, in the options drop down box there is an option called Merge Route. Click on it and then choose from a list of other routes you would like to merge it with. Once there you can move the route around in a mini map to help join the two routes together.
I think Mr D is trying to merge DEM quads, not routes...

If so, then in Microdem select "In <-> Out" from the top toolbar, then from the pop-up box select 'Merge' then 'Dems' from the drop-down menu.

Navigate to each DEM in turn....

Andy :)