G'day bradleybale2006,
To delete any individual baseboard, you need to open the Topology Tab from the menus located on the right hand side of the screen (which looks like this...
...in TS12 and should be similar in T:ANE) by using the "delete" button (the reddish coloured one to the RIGHT of the word "Section" at the bottom of the panel). IT SHOULD BE NOTED (and you will receive an appropriate warning) THAT THIS ACTION
IS IRREVERSIBLE. When you click the button, the program will delete the baseboard on which the cursor is located (don't forget, a baseboard is 72x72 of the yellow grid squares), so make sure you are on a baseboard that you want to delete...
...You will need to prepare the route with the replacement yard in it, by deleting every baseboard other than those you want to keep and then save it as a different route. In the route into which that is going, you need to remove all of the baseboards that 'cover' the old yard, leaving an appropriate gap and save it. You should also make sure that the baseboards you leave behind in the "main" route match one end (or the other) of the "yard" route to be merged and that the 'gap' is large enough to accommodate the the "yard" route. To be sure, close all routes and reopen the "main" route. Open the "Main Menu" Drop Down List and select "Merge Routes" and navigate to the location of the "yard" route and select it. Trainz will add this to your "main" route and allow you to move it around until it is situated where you want it (as
stagecoach intimated, you will not be able to merge the two until there are NO red squares visible). Should you need any help, watch this excellent tutorial from the good folks at N3V...
...If all is as it should be, the gap at the other end of the newly merged "yard" route and the "Main" route should be less than it was prior to the routes being merged. This 'gap' can now be filled using the "add Baseboard" function located in the Topology Tab, using the greenish coloured button to the LEFT of the word "Section" at the bottom of the panel. When you do this, Trainz will add a new 'blank', 'flat' baseboard to the nearest edge of the baseboard on which the cursor is located (or it will add the new baseboard to the exposed edge, if only one edge is exposed). No matter which method you use to do this, any terrain differences will need to be 'fixed' by manually reshaping the terrain as and where it is required...
Jerker {