

Wonderfully Old Fashioned
Me again... :wave:
Besides the tarpaulin cover.. What other ways can you cover/protect freight from the elements?
Sorry if this is a bit of an odd question.

I'm really refering to freighr in open wagons, but if you have anything else, go for it! ;):p
Some RR's carried unusual items in boxcars. The White Pass & Yukon carried loose copper ore in boxcars (not in bags). They added a hinge on one end and lifted the opposite end up to empty the cars. Weird I know but keep in mind most NG RR's operated on a wing and a prayer and often did unusual things to save $$$. In this case modifying 12 boxcars in house was far cheaper then buying 12 new hoppers.

Many mainline RR's carried grain in normal boxcars as well. See pages 10 and 11 of Industries Along the tracks by MR Books.
