CSX GP-40-2's


(enter witty phrase here)
Hi all, I just downloaded the 8 pack of csx gp-40-2's from uslw and there are that many missing parts its not funny:( . There don't appear to be on the dls. Can anyone help!
i believe a list of where you can get the dependencies is located on the page you downloaded them from. In general when downloading stuff from 3rd party site READ THE WHOLE PAGE often information on where to get dependencies, installation instructions, etc are listed there.
I just downloaded Sporbust's CSX YN2 C40-8 pack which has 3 locos:
CSX C40-8 YN2 dirty,<kuid:219472:1879>
CSX C40-8 YN2 heavy weathering,<kuid:219472:1884>
CSX C40-8 YN2,<kuid:219472:1876>
The only missing dependency, according to CMP, is:
Unknown Location: <kuid:113556:101011> which is a corona for the small lights above the first step. You can edit the config.txt file to replace it with the builtin white corona, kuid:-3:10111. Do this in the 4 places referenced in the effects container and also in the kuid-table. Save and commit.

about the GP40s,

there is something under loco parts that says "GP40 dependincies"

download that and you'll be fine.
Ok, so I hate to bump the thread here but I am finding problems finding the dependencies for the engines since USLW site went under overhaul.
HOLD IT! dont go finding the dependencies for those locomotives...all yuo need to do is start trainz, click main menu in the top right corner, click options. then check "compatability mode." It should work. i just now got them to work an hour ago, it works great, but compatability mode makes the game run a bit slower.

the reason you have to run in compatability mode, is the creators of most content dont fully update the locomotives, so like everything for those loco's but the MESH is updated. meaning, the download says "will work for TS2009+)...but it doesnt, they never really tested it, they just assumed it would work. but the freakin mesh is mostly important. right? well, nobody is perfect, and after all, its freeware.

one set of locomotives I have will never work for me, because they're for ts2009. it says on uslw that they work, but they dont. its the LIRR blue and Yellow GP38-2s pack and the NY&AR GP38-2s Green/ White Pack.

I'm not asking for help on these, because its impossible, CM says it needs like 30+ dependencies, but they dont even exist!!! lol...murphy's law, right? those are my favorite locomotives, because I see them almost everyday, yet they will never work:(

anyway, jazza, good luck:)
because its impossible, CM says it needs like 30+ dependencies, but they dont even exist!!! lol...murphy's law, right? those are my favorite locomotives, because I see them almost everyday, yet they will never work:(


5 minutes from a cold start (I have no interest in the prototype so I have never previously downloaded them), all dependencies accounted for including the config typo (first google response), running in TS10...

Never work? That's overkill!
whaaaat???!!! wow dermmy, howd you do that. can you please share where you downloaded the missing dependencies? for me, there are like 5 unknown KUIDs, and those in google come up as non existent. is it possible this pack was updated? ill check after work. thanks man.
OK, but a couple of points first...

These are OLD models, the mesh goes back to TRS04 days and expecting them to run goof-proof in later versions is truly asking a bit much. It's a Justin Cornell mesh, and he is about as good as it gets. He was about as good as it gets back then also. If you want a goof-proof version of his GP40 it is totally updated and completely awesome over at Jointed Rail where it is available as mostly payware, but there are an increasing number of freeeware skins available also. Not the ones you want though...

As to USLW - the site is in a state of 'disrepair' owing to a change of ownership and a total in-progress makeover. Yes it IS frustrating that it is taking a while, but the folks looking after the freeware area have lives and it is a busy time of the year.

Now to the locos..

They will only run in Comp Mode in TS09/10 and won't run in in TS12 without a LOT of work. This isn't really a problem and it is a 'sacrifice' that has to be made with a LOT of older content. The 'Errors' that stop the mesh from working in later versions didn't concern TRS04 where they ran through the rudimentary error checking that applied back then without issue.

There ARE missing dependencies. the GP38/40 pack is NOT up at USLW but here are a couple of workarounds.

9000:51049 is a mystery, possibly even a typo. Edit the config to 9000:51040 which is Weevil's GP40 enginespec on the DLS.

178126:23 is a temporarily unavailable hornsound, change the config to call ANY hornsound that catches your fancy. I routinely replace hornsounds since I never use them and couldn't be bothered chasing them down.

Now if you post back whatever dependencies are still missing we will sort them out...

Andy ;)
hey andy hows it going. as you can see, ive been away from the computer for a while. i just got a new job and worked wed thurs fri and sat (today) from 7am-6pm. so i was so shbot i didnt even bother turning the computer on.

thanks for posting on my issue. i am editing the config right now. i will post back what happens, but it may be in the morning, because i doubt i will stay up.....still so tired...coming home at 8 and waking at 6 leaves me give or take 6-8 hrs. of sleep. it should ber enough, but i just worked 25+ hrs. in 3 days. night andy, see u in the morning.
ok just changed up the config. for the lirr gp38 blue & yellow, in the config, hornsound isnt listed on top, but is in bthe KUID table. i changed it there anyway.

i committed it and the two unknown dependencies dissappered. im gonna go play trainz now, i will report back with my findings.

btw, thanks andy. if you're ever in new york i'll do a tune up on your car. lol
I dont have any missing dependencies but they do have many errors that need to be fixed to run TS12 or TS10 Native Mode. Just a heads up.

I just downloaded the LIRR geep. But I get these following errors. How can I make them error free in trainz 2009 WBE?

Error: Attachment point 'a.dfan1' in 'dfan1' must be found in mesh 'body.im'.
Warning: Tag 'icon0' in the container 'traincar' is obsolete.
Warning: Tag 'max_permitted_speed' in the container 'traincar' is obsolete.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_4a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'LIRR GP38_2 Blue _ Yellow\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_5a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'LIRR GP38_2 Blue _ Yellow\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_6a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'LIRR GP38_2 Blue _ Yellow\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: The attachment point 'a.dfan1' must belong to the parent mesh of the effect (mesh=LIRR GP38_2 Blue _ Yellow\mesh_body\body.im).
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:178126:23>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:178126:23>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:219472:1823>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:9000:51049>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:9000:51049>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Error: Unable to load image file 'windows.tga' for texture 'windows.texture.txt' while validating mesh 'body.im'
Error: Unable to load image file 'windows.tga' for texture 'WINDOWS.texture.txt' while validating mesh 'body.im'
Error: Unable to load primary texture 'mesh_body/windows.tga' for texture file 'mesh_body/windows.texture.txt'.

When I downloaded the NYA GP38-2, I get these errors.

Error: Texture 'map0-map0.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-4A\kuid 37581 1041\shell.im'.

Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_3a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-42\kuid 37581 1049\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_4a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-42\kuid 37581 1049\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_5a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-42\kuid 37581 1049\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_6a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-42\kuid 37581 1049\mesh_body\body.im'.

When I downloaded the NYA GP38-2 pack, I get these errors.
Error: Attachment point 'a.dfan1' in 'dfan1' must be found in mesh 'mesh_body\body.im'.
Warning: Tag 'icon0' in the container 'traincar' is obsolete.
Warning: Tag 'max_permitted_speed' in the container 'traincar' is obsolete.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_4a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-AB\kuid 178126 3806\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_5a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-AB\kuid 178126 3806\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: Texture 'mesh_body/digit_6a.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh 'hash-AB\kuid 178126 3806\mesh_body\body.im'.
Error: The attachment point 'a.dfan1' must belong to the parent mesh of the effect (mesh=hash-AB\kuid 178126 3806\mesh_body\body.im).
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:219472:1823>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:9000:51049>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Warning: The kuid '<kuid:9000:51049>' is not in the database, and could not be found in any known location, ensure that this is a valid asset.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I am trying to get the last remaining kuids for the CSX C40-8 from USLW.
<kuid:219472:1876>(CSX C40-8 YN2)
<kuid:219472:1879>(CSX C40-8 YN2 dirty)
<kuid:219472:1876>(CSX C40-8 YN2 heavy weathering)
Now I have managed to get a number of the missing deps but the following kuids I can't find at all besides the DLS but since I can't afford a FCT atm I have to ask where I can for the missing kuids:
<kuid:126323:53056>(General Electric 7FDL-12 engine sound)
0 <kuid2:113556:51199:1>
1 <kuid2:113556:511100:1>
2 <kuid2:9000:51013:1>
4 <kuid2:200202:54614:1>
6 <kuid:113556:101011>
Can someone please email these kuids to me as I can send a copy of my email address to them via a pm here.Thanks.
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Emailing assets is a violation of copyrights/and or the distribution methods allowed, and is not tolerated or permitted in the Trainz Community. If you wait 1 day, you'll be able to download your assets from the DLS. N3V currently has FCTs on sale check the current price. I'm sure you can afford that.

Emailing assets is a violation of copyrights/and or the distribution methods allowed, and is not tolerated or permitted in the Trainz Community. If you wait 1 day, you'll be able to download your assets from the DLS. N3V currently has FCTs on sale check the current price. I'm sure you can afford that.


Then why can't the distributors of custom assets include the deps as well to prevent this from happening in the first place. :( If I had know that I would not be able to access the DLS without a FCT then I wouldn't have bought TRS2004 at all. :(
Then why can't the distributors of custom assets include the deps as well to prevent this from happening in the first place. :( If I had know that I would not be able to access the DLS without a FCT then I wouldn't have bought TRS2004 at all. :(

Had you done some research, you would have found that information is quite well stated on several web sites. 2006 is also no longer supported (ie free DLS access).
-We're currently at version TS12 (2012), so it should be no surprise that older versions are obsolete.

Just curious, where did you find a "new" copy of Trainz 2004 in this year, 2013? (perhaps you can return it for a refund, or credit towards TS2010).