Creating your own route

Use surveyor

hahahahaha. Maybe posting it in the right area not the area where you talk about "
Questions, discussion and information relating to computer hardware for the operation of Trainz

???? Just a thought ????


there is an option in the game called surveyor if you go into that you can create a route i am assuming thats what you are asking? if it is thats where you start. you then will require to create and you will start with a blank section of baseboard. have a look at the options and commands on offer in that section. if you have any further troubles building a route post in the surveyors operators and engineers section .

Hope that helps



there is an option in the game called surveyor if you go into that you can create a route i am assuming thats what you are asking? if it is thats where you start. you then will require to create and you will start with a blank section of baseboard. have a look at the options and commands on offer in that section. if you have any further troubles building a route post in the surveyors operators and engineers section .

Hope that helps



What I'm saying is how can I create another grid so I can make a bigger route?

What I'm saying is how can I create another grid so I can make a bigger route?


In Surveyer there is the Topology tab on the right hand side of the screen. At the bottom of the Topology window there is an Advanced tab with a green light on it. Open this up and there is an add new grid button named Extend.
In Surveyer there is the Topology tab on the right hand side of the screen. At the bottom of the Topology window there is an Advanced tab with a green light on it. Open this up and there is an add new grid button named Extend.


Whats a manual :p :p Ohhhh those primitive devices us younger people don't know of:o :hehe: .
Ive just noticed ive become a very off topic person:eek: .


Au contraire cher Anthony, you have been perfectly on topic. Kiddo Tyler is the type of kid you tell something into his right ear and comes straight out of his left ear again. The only way to solve that is grabbing his head between both hands and SHAKE until he passes out ... then the info might embed itself in his brain.
Au contraire cher Anthony, you have been perfectly on topic. Kiddo Tyler is the type of kid you tell something into his right ear and comes straight out of his left ear again. The only way to solve that is grabbing his head between both hands and SHAKE until he passes out ... then the info might embed itself in his brain.

That isn't true. He thanked everyone for the answer even though it IS in the manual. Sometimes it pays to read what people have posted before you post your answer.

aha, thats a thing some people have apart from one another, Anthony.
When i first got 2004, i read the small manual, and discovered how to make my own route\":eek:"/
haha, so it sometimes pays to read those instructions... wink wink...
The first step is to make a terrible layout. You'll be making a lot of those while you get the feel of surveyer, so don't be afraid to scrap a layout if it isn't working out. My first dozen layouts or so never lasted a week before they were erased. Making layouts and mistakes is how you find out what does and doesn't work.
If you haven't found it yet, there's an electronic manual on the disk. The link is on the first window that opens when you click the desktop icon. It took me two weeks to find that, and it really helped me out when I did.

:cool: Claude
I agree with these guys. You think my Podunk & Tekken is bad (which it is, don't worry, I already know!;)), you shoulda seen my first route! :p :eek:
Au contraire cher Anthony, you have been perfectly on topic. Kiddo Tyler is the type of kid you tell something into his right ear and comes straight out of his left ear again. The only way to solve that is grabbing his head between both hands and SHAKE until he passes out ... then the info might embed itself in his brain.

I'm really not a little kid anymore. I'm now 16 years old. And please don't say until I pass out again please. It bugs me.
