Cwabbies on the Metro
How the heck did they all get there ?
It is thought a fisherman (that had a case of Cwabs) had caught the Cwrabbies at the coast and was using the Tyne and Wear Metro system to head home (to give Cwabs to everyone at the dinner table), but they managed to escape when his Cwabbie carrier bag spwit open.
I remember sabotaging the girls bathroom, with a lunchroom milk carton full of 100 live grasshoppers, back in grade school ... that caused quite a scream :hehe: and I got punished, and got detention ... but it was worth every minute of it !
Red Lobster and Outback are having a Cwabbie Fest !
Order extra biscuits ... eat 127 Schwimps ... stock pile all the steak, fried rice, broccoli, and smashed tater, for a take home doggie bag ... order more biscuits ... stay till closing time ... waitress brings more Schwimps ... order more biscuits.
All you can eat Cwrabbies ... YUM !