CPM Fixes


Member since August 2003
CMP Fixes

This is a copy of my reply to a query on the 2006 forum in-case anyone missed it there.
It covers many problems cropping up all over the Forum regarding CMP.

Personally I've never had trouble with CMP, but there are a few tricks you can use to correct its annoying habits.
  • If CMP refuses to start, exit the program. Log into the Download Station directly (you can do it from this Forum), pick an item and download it. CMP should start automatically. After this it should run normally. I call this my kick-start method:)
  • If you notice a large decrease in your download speed when downloading several items, wait until CMP is in the middle of a download and hit the stop button. Wait for a couple of seconds (2 to 5) and hit the start button. CMP will start downloading where it left off, but at maximum speed. There is no logical reason for this, but trust me, it works.
  • If CMP seems to be taking forever to update the data base, simply hit the refresh button on your toolbar. (Two round blue arrows).
  • If CMP refuses to recognise your log-in details, close the program, re-enter your details in Options Menu. Log on to Auran and re_enter the same details there. It don't matter if you enter the same details, Password Etc; Save the changes and log out.
If you carry out the above when needed, CMP should run as it was intended to.
Sods Law now predicts that when I next load my CMP, it will play up:hehe: .
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Well lucky you!

I am unable to make a cdp, can't delete files I want to, downloading shows faults and have reached the point where for the second time I am going to have to re-install TRS06 yet again. I am able to save my route build as I go along and make a copy of the Local Folder for backup which is something. Sods Law hasn't reached Glasgow yet!