Some reactions and a lock
This looks like a great topic to start my Sunday morning with.
For starters:
If I would strictly follow the CoC (as mentioned by Shane), I could make this topic "disappear" by applying rule 19.
Messages commenting on or criticizing forum administrative actions will be removed without warning.
(Against common believe) I prefer not to hide topics, I am just going to lock it.
And in case you are wondering: That is why you notice more topics locked lately instead of the less visible and noticeable hiding.
To manage expectations: The next topic breaking rule 19 will again just be "removed".
To confirm JCitron's words:
Moderators can not delete topics (or posts). We can only move topics (or posts) to a hidden forum.
This makes it possible to match past behavior of people and verify complains (see below).
Funny enough, the only exception to this rule currently is Nicky in the "Competitions" forum; but that leaves a clear "deleted by" text instead. Tony can also do this, but he obviously is not a moderator.
About the question of the
I honestly have no clue what topic and/or post you are talking about, but posting a topic about it on the forum (so like this) is a big No. If you have a question / comment / complain about a moderator actions, you contact Zec privately. As hidden posts and topics still exists, he should be able to find it as long as you can very clearly describe it (post date and time estimate and topic title help a lot).
I hate making assumptions, but based on the reports found in my mailbox, I am going to assume your post was in the "hang man" topic (or had to do with it) as that topic completely got hidden. I took "a week off" last week due to the terrible slow wifi / internet in the hotel / office / country I was staying, so I was not involved in that thing (or anyone serious moderator stuff), but seeing that topic received SO many complains (not appropriate content for children, personal attacks, etc) it probably has to do with that one. So my guess (I repeat: guess) is that you were either had a neutral post in that topic or you were involved in any of the complains and that your post was moved with the topic.
If it was a topic like the current one: Read rule 19 of the CoC.
About the "not being able to read
PM when you get banned":
I never got banned, but I always receive an
email with the readable content of the PM when someone sends me a PM. As this was already the case before I became moderators, this is possible for all of you, so I do not see the problem. If you turned that feature off, the system is effectively respecting your choice not to get an email. However, you can always send in a ticket to the helpdesk and via that contact Zec.
So not really a catch 22 in my opinion.
About possible
I can not recall any. If anyone has proof or a strong lead to it, feel free to let me know (by PM).
What I do know is that is that some people "lost" their posts / topics, only to discover they made it in another section (and twice when I just become mod and I forgot to leave a reference). Know that if you go to your own profile you can find a link to your last 500 or so made posts, which hopefully helps finding it again.
In reaction to Dinorius_Redundicus and H222:
I personally
blame the hunter.
If that does not make sense; ask anyone who played World of Warcraft.
In reaction to boc61 (comment/suggestion about
teaching effect):
That is my personal intention and a returning topic within the moderator chat. As I can only speak for myself: I usually send a PM or (when just locking a topic) just leave a text. In case of moving a topic I consider it obvious and don't leave a message; reading a forum description or explaining sticky near the top should do.
I have asked my colleagues if infractions, warnings or PM's have been send out after the move of the "Hang man" topic (and am waiting response) and also will bring this general point up again.
If you have complains / comments / questions about moderator actions, contact Zec; do not post a topic about it on the forum.
Guess what? Yes, you got it: Locked.