Hello Klambert,
This is a second attempt at answering - the first never showed up so excuse this one if the first magically appears!
This is a question best to placed in the Content Creators forum but I will attempt to answer here as best I can with limited knowledge and brain capacity!
First a few questions however:
1) Are you wanting to add a cab from a different model to an existing model?
- If so, obtain the KUID of the cab you want from the config.txt file of the loco you have seen the cab on.
- on the model you want to change the cab, first make a backup copy of the config.txt then edit it to have the kuid for the cab you want. It will be listed as the interior but may also be listed in the kuid table if the table exists in the config (some models do not have a kuid table).
- save the modified config.txt and if in 2006 or TC - commit the change and the model should now have the "new" cab.
2) Are you trying to add a "custom" cab that you will create?
- Does the model already have a cab attachment point and do you have access to the model's mesh files?
- Did you create the model? If so, skip the next two questions!
- - Do you have a modelling program (Gmax or other) the Trainz Exporters, a good quality paint program (Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, the Gimp or...) and the CCG?
- - Can you obtain the original Mesh file? You will need this to complete the external views from the cab windows (camera views)
- Do you have photos of the cab, diagrams, sketches, dimensions?
Building a custom cab will take an extreme time commitment. Of all the modeling done in Trainz, creating cabs is the most time consuming. Cabs have a lot of fine parts and details which usually require animations and scripting to make it all work.
If you are new to modeling please check out the following sites and try the tutorials:
Trainz Learning Center:
World of Trainz:
44090 Digital Models:
Hope this helps,
Have Fun