Confused about the obselete passenger asset <kuid:-3:11060> and the <kuid:-3:11061>


Train Simulator Hobbyist
Confused about the obselete passenger asset <kuid:-3:11060> and the <kuid:-3:11061>

Hello members:
Just a bit confused about the replacement passenger asset <kuid:-3:11061>.
Well to my knowledge that is shipped with the Trainz 12 Simulator service pack 1 (49922 to 61388).
The question is why did Auran-N3V change the asset and obsolete the old passenger kuid asset <kuid:-3:11060> in the first place?
0 <kuid:-3:10060>
1 <kuid:-3:11060>
2 <kuid:-3:110060>
Read an old forum dated back in December 2012 with no conclusion:
Can't find asset <kuid:-3:11061> on the DLS.
Does anyone have any recent information they may like to add about the topic?
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