I just encountered a problem with my computer that I've never experienced before: the failure of several keys on my keyboard. I've had to replace my computer's screen, but this has never happened before. I was lucky to discover that my computer has what's called an 'On-Screen Keyboard', which is an exact copy of my computer's keyboard. This slows down how fast I can type, but I'm still able to post and other things that require the use of the keyboard. However, this also effects the arrow keys, so I wouldn't be able to rotate look up or down. However, my computer's keyboard is just like a keyboard for a desktop, which means that it has the numbers on the right side of the keyboard. So I am able to use the 2, 4, 6 and 8 keys to still look around. I should be receiving a replacement keyboard on Thursday, but since this is Labor Day Weekend, I'll be working Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, which results in spending as much time on my computer as the rest of the week.