In recent times I have been meandering around various community forums that are out there for different trainz groups and have noticed that allot of them seem kinda (just a little) slow. generally the number of people visiting them is low, the number of posts are low, etc, etc. And so I came up with the idea for what I'm currently calling Trainz Community Forums.
Basically this forum would be set up so that a small tranz group (say 2-3 members, or more) wants to have a forum for technical support, contacting members, etc but doesn't really have the know-how or the need to have a full forum for them. This forum would allow them to have a section set aside for them (which they could moderate) along with some general areas (where they can't moderate) that would include sub-forums for: General Trainz talk, Railroading chit chat, General board announcement, etc. the registering group's moderators would have access to a special section where they can request to have sub-categories added, themes (that they made) added, members turned into moderators, etc.
I have already talked to a couple trainz members and they thought it was a great idea; I would now like to know what the rest of the community thought and an idea of what the demand for this is (in other words if you want in on the project, let me know here)
I am still working out the details of how all the parts will work out but I hope the outcome of my inquiries here are positive.
Basically this forum would be set up so that a small tranz group (say 2-3 members, or more) wants to have a forum for technical support, contacting members, etc but doesn't really have the know-how or the need to have a full forum for them. This forum would allow them to have a section set aside for them (which they could moderate) along with some general areas (where they can't moderate) that would include sub-forums for: General Trainz talk, Railroading chit chat, General board announcement, etc. the registering group's moderators would have access to a special section where they can request to have sub-categories added, themes (that they made) added, members turned into moderators, etc.
I have already talked to a couple trainz members and they thought it was a great idea; I would now like to know what the rest of the community thought and an idea of what the demand for this is (in other words if you want in on the project, let me know here)
I am still working out the details of how all the parts will work out but I hope the outcome of my inquiries here are positive.