Coming back to game need some help/questions


New member
So it has been some time, and i've been sorting through the various products Auran offers. Interested in getting some feedback about whether TRS22 or Trainz Plus. Also Pro Train Inyo Mountains looks really good as a DLC. Has it been released? I'm not sure as I read it looks like it has not been? Also if it has is it worth it? Just seeking some opinions and guidance from some folks who have used these products and can help me find some direction. Thank you!
Trainz Plus is a subscription only product - you pay an annual or monthly subscription to use the product and you will get quarterly updates with new features that are not available in other versions. Current new features include HD (High Definition) terrain and TLR (Trainz Living Railroad) automatic train dispatcher. A Trainz Plus Gold subscription gives you free access to all DLC downloads. If you cancel the subscription you lose access to the program and its data - but if you later resume your payments then all that will be restored exactly where you left it.

TRS22 is the current retail (non-subscription) release. You pay for it once and it is yours to keep forever - no subscriptions. There are two versions TRS22 (standard) and TRS22 Platinum Edition (TRS22PE). TRS22PE includes the option of using Surveyor Classic (as found in all previous versions of Trainz including TRS22) or the new Surveyor 2.0 as found in Trainz Plus. The differences between Classic and 2.0 are too numerous to include here but there is a web page that covers it all at