Colorado Railroad Museum April 14th Steam Up


The Chicago CTA guy
Took these yesterday at the CRRM

Lots of Pics, give me a second to post them all











Thank you for sharing this nice images - and it was great to see that it is so green too. :)
Used to the more brown burnt landscape you see later in the year - wish I could come for a visit.

Also, thank you for tempting me to go visit the museums website again, I saw that Shay lettered for the Argentine Central, need to find more out of that one... :)

Best wishes from Norway, that also slowly gets green...
Haha, no K-27's here, those are in Chama, the biggest loco they have here is a C-22 from the former Georgetown Loop. the museum has a K-37, but it does not run
I've been there once when I was younger except the only problem was that when we went it was closed. :(

Nice screenshots though. Too bad IRM might not have steam this year :(

Great pics Klinger.

I'm surprised the C&T hasn't tried to buy the K-37. When I took the shop tour in Durango, the tour guide mentioned they ran K-36s because they didn't overly stress the D&S's 90 pound rail whearas the K-37s (ex std ga engines) were heavier and could cause damage (higher axle loading). The C&T runs 120 pound rail so K-37s weren't a problem. Sadly I saw 2 K-37s just a-sittin and a-rustin (one in Durango & one in Silverton).


P.S. You do realize we'd all prefer a pic of your girl friend rather then you, lol.:D
Great pics Klinger.

I'm surprised the C&T hasn't tried to buy the K-37. When I took the shop tour in Durango, the tour guide mentioned they ran K-36s because they didn't overly stress the D&S's 90 pound rail whearas the K-37s (ex std ga engines) were heavier and could cause damage (higher axle loading). The C&T runs 120 pound rail so K-37s weren't a problem. Sadly I saw 2 K-37s just a-sittin and a-rustin (one in Durango & one in Silverton).


P.S. You do realize we'd all prefer a pic of your girl friend rather then you, lol.:D

Three words.... money, money, money... :(

Nice pics Klinger. Can't wait until they get the #346 running again. And, the RGS #20 back from Pennsylvania in working order. :)

Great pics Klinger.

I'm surprised the C&T hasn't tried to buy the K-37. When I took the shop tour in Durango, the tour guide mentioned they ran K-36s because they didn't overly stress the D&S's 90 pound rail whearas the K-37s (ex std ga engines) were heavier and could cause damage (higher axle loading). The C&T runs 120 pound rail so K-37s weren't a problem. Sadly I saw 2 K-37s just a-sittin and a-rustin (one in Durango & one in Silverton).


P.S. You do realize we'd all prefer a pic of your girl friend rather then you, lol.:D

The C&TS DOES have one and RUNS IT! #497!
The C&TS doesn't need another K-37 as they have four. They are having a hard enough time getting four of their k-36's running. The C&TS has 10 engines: 463, 483, 484, 487, 488, 489, 492, 494, 495, and 497. The only running engines are 484, 487, 488 and 489 is being rebuilt. If anyone wants more info on the C&TS or any other narrow gauge topics go to: the or I hope this helps some of you out. Good day.

The C&TS DOES have one and RUNS IT! #497!

The C&TS "ran" it. Currently 497 has been out since 2002, and needs a massive rebuild. Unfortunetly, 497 won't steam again for quite some time, as there is no funding available for such a restoration. It is my understanding that it would be much cheaper to restore the 492, which has been out of service since the late 1960's, before the 497.

The only reason the C&TS got the 497 was it was a D&S locomitve for about 10 years. In October 1991, the C&TS and the D&S traded engines; The D&S had Operable K-37 #497. The C&TS had out-of-service(since 1962) K-36 # 482. They traded, and both steamed for years after.

Another website to check on current statis of C&TS locomotives is,
This website is updated weekly...usually.

I believe that Shay is an Ex-WSLCo. locomotive. I could be wrong, though.

Nice pics,
Yep, that's Westside #14. I think #12 is also there. They are owned by the former operators of the Georgetown Loop. At the end of the 2004 season, the loop changed operators from GLR Inc to Railstar. When GLR Inc left, their equipment (Shays 12 and 14, 2-8-0s 40 and 44, and three GE diesels) went with them. As far as I know, all of the GLR Inc equipment is being stored at the Colorado Railroad Museum, except for former Westside #8 (I'm not sure where it is right now).

yes, CRRM has both george town Shays, #12 and #14, C-22 #40 from the loop, as well as both diesel's that the Loop had for switching, they "had" Locomotive #44, and the cab for 44 is still there, as well as the frame, but last i heard they shipped #44 to alaska to be rebuilt, so whats left of it at the museum are bits and pieces, no clue what shape the locomotive actually is in

I can post some more pictures of the museum if you want, pics I took several months ago (before the snow started falling) i have pictures of almost all the equipment at the museum, let me know and I will post them
about the c&tsrr

K-27 463 is out of service right why don't they have it shipped to durango and bring it back to service and have it run thier for awhile, and 315's restoration is nearing completion. right now 464 is the only operating K-27, thier are steam engines all over america that are rusting away C-16 278 is just roting away and what about 223 is anyone going to help them out. only a couple of the engines on the C&TSRR are running and 463 is the oldest on their line and right now it's just sitting at the end of a sidding in antonio. speaking of narrow guage thier is an engine at the henry ford and greenfield village in dearborn mich. it is number 3 a mason bogie built in 1873 and is curently 132 years old and it still runs it is a 0-6-4 if some one could make this engine it would be nice one other thing its called the torch lake and was a narrow gauge engine 3ft but was converted to standerd guage so it could run at the village its not very fast top speed i'd have to say is 30mph so if some one could make it for trs2004 it very very good.

sounds like the C&TS is in desperate need of extra funding

i think one locomotive is (of the ones that they actually use) is out of service last i say (several years ago) and it was one of the K-28s