AAAaaahhhh . . . . the fog is clearing. I just finished 12 hours on my route. Time flies when ur Trainzing !!
I just finished my first "custom" industry using MIN. Its a huge cement factory . . . my route-in-progress is huge (driving time from main yard to Cement factory is 34 minutes, average speed 50mph . . . and its just a local branch line - minimum curve radius anywhere is 200m). The other industry is a coal mine, the large one that comes with TRS2006. It produces a LOT of Coal . . . 26 Bethgons & 8 40ft tankers full of diesel is the consist.
Being a NEWBIE . . . the "capacity" of each car . . . I thought was in pounds. Now I know its "UNITS" . . . whatever that is.
So . . . what is the UNITS to TONNES conversion ??!! How many units to a Tonne ? I must have made things right, by luck, that after tweaking the properties of the coal mine, I was finally able to fill all 26 coal cars.
The "Bethgon" (US rolling stock) capacity reads "69,247" . . . those are "UNITS", right? I guessed that the capacity in tons (imperial, since its a US rolling stock :hehe

was roughly 35 tons ! LOL Well . . . the coal mine is working . . . for now.
Back to my MEGA Cement factory. It consumes . . . currently . . . Sand, one of the 3 main raw material for cement production, Diesel fuel for the trucks, bull dozers and shovels that operate in the adjacent limestone quarry, the second raw material. The third is "aluminum" . . . I'll add that MIN later when I finish my research on what form a cement factory receives aluminum. If anyone knows . . . please let me know.
It produces a LOT of Cement in bulk and in bags on pallets. The consist that service the cement factory is 32 2-bay hoppers, 10 86ft hi-cube box cars for the cement pallets, 8 Bethgons loaded with sand and 4 tankers of diesel fuel. The train leaves the main yard with this consist plus the empty consist for the coal mine to the branch yard . . . up a 0.75% grade most of the way. A triple headed 8-axle Locos can only muster 48mph at notch 8 up the hill with this mostly empty consist. I haven't tried this consist fully loaded yet. Possible runaway train !!
After some tweaking with the MIN . . . it now accepts al the diesel fuel and sand. Deisel unloading is the MI with the ugly concrete "thingy" that sucks out the load from the tankers. The first unloader I tried to use is the "basic coal unloader" . . . much to my surprise . . . I can't get it to accept sand. IT IS NOT a MULTI-INDUSTRY . . . Grrrrrrrrr:'(. So I used the MIN. It works but I had to hide it within a "shed" and concrete walls . . . I didn't want it to look like its dumping the load on the tracks !!!
Is there a "MULTI-INDUSTRY, Granular Unloader" for sand, cement, gravel etc. that looks like the "basic coal unloader ???
The OTHER DISAPPOINTING SURPRISE was when I filled the Bethgons with SAND . . . it filled up with COAL . . . even though its carrying SAND !!!! Being a NEWBIE . . . I thought the color of the load would change to something resembling SAND !! Black for coal, Tan for sand, Grey for gravel etc. IS THERE A WAY TO MAKE THE LOADS IN GONDOLAS LOOK LIKE SOMETHING OTHER THAN COAL ??!!
MY FRUSTRATION was with the cement pallets . . . IT HAS A LIMITATION OF 256 UNITS !! After dragging 10 86ft boxcars . . . only 1 was filled and no more !! I was confused and frustrated and missed a bad switch setting and derailed my train . . . so I quit !!! After reading this thread and the MIN tutorial . . . I understand what the "duration" value means. Was it so hard to say "produced/consumed every
30 seconds" ??!! Even an idiot like myself can understand that !!! Now I know what "Size" means . . . I kept saying "SIZE OF WHAT !!!" . . . until my girlfriend said "blank-blank inches" :hehe:
So, I assume that if I set the "Size" for the cement pallets to 256 (max. allowed) and Duration to 2 (seconds), as soon as one boxcar is filled . . . there should be 256 units of cement pallet available for loading into the next boxcar . . . right ?? It takes me more than 2 seconds to get the next boxcar ready for loading . . . even if I used DCC mode. Please, someone tell me that my assumption is correct !
I am a NEWBIE . . . and like ALL newbies, I read the manual . . . somewhat. I vaguely remember reading that "WAY BILLS" are automatically issued by industries when a delivery or pick up is required. So far . . . the ONLY "Way Bill" I get in "Driver" mode is from the "deisel refueling station" requiring delivery . . . NONE from the Cement Factory or the Coal Mine. Did I miss something in setting up my MIN and the "Ready-to-go" coal mine ??? I'd like to see a Way-Bill entry from my new industries when I start a "Driver Session"
I have MANY questions about signals and AI . . . but they belong on other threads. I have avoided AI after reading about their problems here in the forum. I'll face "signals" & "AI (Automatic Idiots)" later . . . maybe the next 4-day holiday.
Does anyone know of a LARGE excavator that works for a quarry or open strip mine??
Is there a "concrete factory" . . . that makes concrete delivered by concrete trucks to construction sites?
Is there a "concrete truck" on DLS ?
Anyone come across a "concrete masonry block pallets" ??
I apologize for a VERY long-winded post :udrool:
Thanks in advance for any replies.