cmp playing up


New member
When I go to the cmp as soon as I click on anything my assets file in Auran program file is deleted and I have to wait to re build it, although thats a pain it means I cannot use the cmp for anything. Has anyone any ideas as to what is happening and how to fix it. I'm running TRS2006

Have tried to delete the assets.tdx file? then CMP will re-build the database.

Have you ran TrainzDiag?

What version of windows is your PC running?

also post your PC spec here.


hi Ahsan
Its the asset file that is being deleted, thats the problem, so yes i do rebuild, as i said in my original post, so i don't see what your saying here ?

don't know what trainzdiag is ?

i run windows XP

my spec is : dell 9200intel vilv duo 2.4ghz
memory 4096mb
hard drive 640gb
graphics card 768mb nvidia gforce 8800gtx

I bought this for trainz only and i have put no other programmes on to it, its sole use is trainz
TrainzDiag.exe is in your ..\Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\Bin directory. After you run it, check the Test Results section has a line that says OpenGL: Version 2.1 : Passed. CMP requires a functioning OpenGL driver to run, even if you run in DirectX.

If CMP hangs when you start it, hit the ESC key to see if that unsticks it.

What may be happening is that there is a problem with your asset.txt file and the backup asset.bak. Try deleting them both using windows explorer and then start the game not CMP. It will take longer than normal to start as it is rebuilding your asset.txt file. Then try CMP.

Thanks William but I do start the game and not the cmp and I still have the problem but it does not always happen. When I can get cmp to work and sat download something then its starts again and I have to rebuild. ie I cannot download anything then just go straight to the game like I used to, I now always have to rebuild, or as soon as I go to cmp I lose assets file and again have to rebuild. It does not of course stop me playing the game its just annoying having to wait 20 mins each time I use the cmp.