CM v3.6 Clarifaction please !


New member
I have been reading in these forums about CM v3.6 will be no longer supported. This means no more new assets can be uploaded to the DLS. My concern is will the existing assets already in v3.6 be no longer available for me to download at some point. I would like someone who knows more about these matters please advise, for my peace of mind. JohnMac
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I have been reading in these forums about CM v3.6 will be no longer supported. This means no more new assets can be uploaded to the DLS.
Not correct. It means no more assets can be uploaded below 3.7. Assets can and are still being uploaded to the DLS.

My concern is will the existing assets already in v3.6 be no longer available for me to download at some point. I would like someone who knows more about these matters please advise, for my peace of mind. JohnMac
Those 3.6 assets will be freely available for download till September 2016. After that you will probably need a FCT.

A solution for 3.7 assets is rather easy actually:
You can download and patch your game up to 3.7 for free (effectively any build of 57720 and up). Find the Service Packs here:
Make a back-up first, just to be safe.

Since N3V is currently discussing about the recent reaction of the community, you could consider waiting it out for a few more days (or weeks) to see if they change their minds and go back to 3.6, but don't be surprised that will not happen.
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Oknotsen thanks for the reply. In the first sentence I was only talking about v3.6, as I have no intention on upgrading ever!! Second after September 2016 will need a FCT (which I have anyway) why? should that make downloads appear in Content Manager or does Content Manager itself only appear if you actually have a FCT. So many questions, regards JohnMac
Oknotsen thanks for the reply. In the first sentence I was only talking about v3.6, as I have no intention on upgrading ever!! Second after September 2016 will need a FCT (which I have anyway) why? should that make downloads appear in Content Manager or does Content Manager itself only appear if you actually have a FCT. So many questions, regards JohnMac

Content Manager and an FCT are two different things. The FCT allows you to have better download speeds.

Content Manager will work as usual, but you will not be able to download anything because N3V feels that after 5 years you've had your $29.90 worth of fun (and also, DLS costs money to run). Of course, you could start hoarding now given the speed of an FCT I reckon you could download the entire DLS in a couple months' time.

Second after September 2016 will need a FCT (which I have anyway) why?
As far as I know, it is N3V policy that you will need a FCT if you still want to download content from the DLS for an unsupported version of Trainz. In September 2016 support for TS12 is dropped.

If I were you, I would simply do a 2nd install of TS12, patch that to 3.7 and try to downgrade assets so you can than move them to your 3.6 install (which should work with most assets, probably with the exception of routes). Or learn to live with 3.7, whatever is easier.
Thanks all I think I get it. Hopefully Tane will work on my Pc and I will not need to worry to much about TS12. regards JohnMac