Club Car


I was wondering if there was gonna be a item and this is just a question not trying to be a smart butt. thank you and yall have a great day
There will be yes. As we've specified before we are doing it at some point during the month, not on a specific day, going forward. You will see a posting when this has been done.
If JR let people view the Club Car before hand (as it is hidden from non-members), I am certain that more people would buy a Club Car membership
I have never regretted my Club Car membership, I think over the course of a year it is good deal and if you buy a lot of engines you are going to save. The big savings are on routes and Pac's and the "Item of the Month" is just icing on the cake.

If JR let people view the Club Car before hand (as it is hidden from non-members), I am certain that more people would buy a Club Car membership

no. We make it pretty clear what you are getting with club car there is no reason that something special should be set up so you can see what goes on inside clubcar for the perks. If you want to find that out ask a friend that has a club car or buy one.