Michigan Trainz
I thought this would never happen, but I got through all my college prep. and nearly completing High School. I found out I am not taking as many classes as I thought and don't require as much work as I thought either! So I'm back and I got some more great routes in the works with all the powers of my PC that I showed to you guys on the CSX Saginaw Sub and the CN Holly Sub (New version uploaded a week ago). I also have another person with me that does not use the Trainz Forums, but has been working with me on some other prototypical Michigan routes! I have a project that I recently started that I will announce tomarrow night that is indeed Prototypical, located in Michigan, and ultra-detailed to the real route. I also have accessed track charts for the route thanks to my friend at CSX (Route hint) that includes mileposts and crossings! That is all for now!