Chrisracer Has Returned!


Michigan Trainz
I thought this would never happen, but I got through all my college prep. and nearly completing High School. I found out I am not taking as many classes as I thought and don't require as much work as I thought either! So I'm back and I got some more great routes in the works with all the powers of my PC that I showed to you guys on the CSX Saginaw Sub and the CN Holly Sub (New version uploaded a week ago). I also have another person with me that does not use the Trainz Forums, but has been working with me on some other prototypical Michigan routes! I have a project that I recently started that I will announce tomarrow night that is indeed Prototypical, located in Michigan, and ultra-detailed to the real route. I also have accessed track charts for the route thanks to my friend at CSX (Route hint) that includes mileposts and crossings! That is all for now! :D -Chris
Welcome back,glad to have you back,your routes are of excellent quality,now we can have some new great quality routes from you!:D
Keep up your wonderful work:)
I glad that you are back right now! How is your college's day?

Guess I would have invited you went to big fancy of restaurants!:hehe::)

The ace of routes is back! I thought this would never happen! Welcome back Chris! Welcome back!!!

Welcome back Chris... By the way, your Pacific Surfliner II route that you allowed me to host has been WILDLY popular! Keep up the good work!
