
Just what I need

Thank you both, Dermmy and Zatovisualworks, though your posts weren't directed to me. I've been hunting for something like this for quite some time.

The forum is convincing me it should be the first place I look for something. What a resource!

Or you could use "Rusty Rail Single" , set it to the same height as you existing Track and manouevre it into position.
Can someone tell me the reason for check rails on bridges?

Check Rails (UK) or Guard Rails (US) is A double rail section of track, sometimes found in train yards and often on bridges to prevent derailments or limit damage caused by derailments (by keeping the derailed railcars ON the bridge, instead of it falling OFF the bridge), by having rail on both sides of the wheel flange. Also found on curves with a tight radius and switches and crossings.
skidmark22, Check rails are fitted in UK to all curves on running lines on bridges and curves of less than 22 chains radius to stop the wheels riding too far up the rail head and derailing. This is the standard use but check rails are also fitted to points/switches to prevent the ride-up problem causing de-railments. Just ask your nearest rail museum they will put you right on local laws.
I just noticed when laying a JJS raised Plate Girder bridge, that the rails were really junky looking, flat, one dimensional.

I found some trackside Gaurd Rails Ends fo the terminators of the bridge Check Rails, they also seem a bit lackluster. I tried laying two single rusty rails between the gauge, and tried hand forming the bridge gaurd rail point tip ... what a time consuming chore.

I wish there was a track spline that was 3 ft gauge, that was rusty, and highly detailed ... or a trackside bridge gaurd rail that was @ 50' long to fit in the gauge of US track.

I have come up with nothing to suit the needs of Bridge Gaurd Rails between the gauge.


This skewed bridge with it's odd angled wing walls it really a chore to build.

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You could try this one, its stitched track with 4 levels of detail and bump mapping. The first lod has the shape of rail with the head, web base, tie plates and spikes. 39134:100401 Track DB Bridge Track W Guard Rails. And here's a video of it on the route that I made it for. Its Caydens MDC 2010 route.
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