Change from surveyor to driving a route/session

Ok, finally a nice update in which my issue is solved i can drive my routes in the dark with the container pack installed in the route. Big thanks for that, all my routes work in the dark!
However, i have read about the easy change from surveyor to driver and vice versa, but in the update i miss the button for driving a route i am working on, searched the forum for an answer, but think you updated guy's do know more as i do.

How can i easy change a route i am working on to driver mode without going back to the routes and select drive this route? There used to be a little button with a human head for that ? Is there a short cut i don't know? to change to driver and back? Hope my question is clear, English is not my native language.

Found it, also noticed that some of the trains can't find the destination anymore, so i need to reconnect some rails, bummer again..
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