CDP's Without CMP


Electric Blue
Hello all, I have just relocated houses and my old PC is still at the old residence, I feel, I can go a week without the simulator itself. Anyway, I have been making great progress on some Blender UK wagons. The problem is, that I need to access the IM file of a wheelbase to scale the size of the wagon bodies correctly. I don't have space or the need to install TS12 on my laptop, or the time, really. Is there a program to open .CDP files without CMP?

Another question, does anyone know if LieLestosBrat/Rob Hill is still active on Trainz, and if so, how do I contact him?

Thanks, Ron
I need to access the IM file
Well, you can't.
So if you indeed need the wheelbase, you will have to do some guessing after loading them in TS12.
Or if you know the gauge and they are build fitting a standard, that might also give you enough information for now.

Another question, does anyone know if LieLestosBrat/Rob Hill is still active on Trainz, and if so, how do I contact him?
Did you try this: .... aaaaand I just noticed he did not mentioned his contact details there, so ignore that.
Loads of content creators put their contact details in the objects, so check if the config file has any contact details (you will have to open it for edit).
PEV's mesh viewer tool will allow you to open and view a IM file even has a rule so you can measure the mesh.
Hello all, I have just relocated houses and my old PC is still at the old residence, I feel, I can go a week without the simulator itself. Anyway, I have been making great progress on some Blender UK wagons. The problem is, that I need to access the IM file of a wheelbase to scale the size of the wagon bodies correctly. I don't have space or the need to install TS12 on my laptop, or the time, really. Is there a program to open .CDP files without CMP?

Another question, does anyone know if LieLestosBrat/Rob Hill is still active on Trainz, and if so, how do I contact him?

Thanks, Ron