Car in the U Bahn

That was pretty special, if you know what I mean... I liked the reactions of some people when they saw the headlights of the car and thought the train was approaching, only to be disappointed when it was a small car. :D
Wow....just wow.

What I would've given to see him get pulled over. Imagine if he had collided with another train. Or lost control and veered onto a platform. Reckless Endangerment at the very least.

-Chris (tm)
The only way he could have gotten away with it, is if the thing was a staged stunt. With so many cameras watching it, but no police waiting at the stations, I think it was just that. Staged.

So, here's the challenge. Can you recreate any of that in trainz? Even if it's just a still pic of a car in the station?
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The only way he could have gotten away with it, is if the thing was a staged stunt. With so many cameras watching it, but no police waiting at the stations, I think it was just that. Staged.

So, here's the challenge. Can you recreate any of that in trainz? Even if it's just a still pic of a car in the station?

Oh god dont give people bad ideas......
Just goes to show - some people should never br given a license...:eek:

It did answer a question I had about the style of track to be found in tram tunnels, though... :cool:

I find it bit odd though, in Frankfurt and Muenchen the subways do not have concrete paving, they have ties and roadbed just like all the other trains around here. I honestly did not know Linz had a subway, but having seen only a little of the place I probably missed something.

I had expected either conventional ties or rails mounted on concrete blocks. So I'm not alone in thinking this unusual...

And the conduit (if it's what it looks like) is even more unusual for a system that is clearly mostly run on overhead...

And if some idiot hadn't chosen to drive through it, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. ;)


p.s. reading some of the comments attached to the same video on U-Tube, it's a very short undergound section of the Linz Strassenbahn (tramway) around the station, the driver made an honest mistake (so he said) but didn't want to risk turning round, and he was caught.
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Well, technically speaking, the subway in Linz is just part of the city's tram network that was banished underground for traffic reasons...
You know, Paul is right. If it weren't for the video we wouldn't be having the discussion. Even so, I rather expect someone to opt building that "subway" system at some point. I mean now that there are some rather nice video clips of it.

You're right on the conduit track though. Still, if you look at the first shot you see it in, the tunnels are very tight and sharply curved there. So, it kinda makes sense to use conduit where the pantograph would be less effective.
Los Angeles Dispensaries
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Conveniently, I'm building a (fictional UK) modern tramway system with some short underground sections, so it's of considerable interest at the moment...
