"Can't be used here" issue with JR'S new searchlight signals


GMD C44-9W
Hi folks of the trainz forum, I recently downloaded JR's new searchlight signals from the 12 days of christmas, I must say the models are so amazing, but what use is a signal if it does not work. My issue is that when I place a locomotive, the signals remain red and I hover over it and it says "Can't be used here". What does this mean and how do I fix this? Thanks in advance
G'day CPRailSD40-2,

How spread apart where the signals? Sometimes when they are too close to one of another, you'll get that sort of message. Try separating them out far from each other and see if you get the same results
G'day CPRailSD40-2,

How spread apart where the signals? Sometimes when they are too close to one of another, you'll get that sort of message. Try separating them out far from each other and see if you get the same results

Thanks for the response, but the signals I have placed are pretty far from each other, but maybe the script's standards of a "good distance" is different than mine.
I have found out that it will ONLY let me use the JR SL(08) 3-H right 20ft and JR SL(08) 3-H-L left 20ft at interlockings, which is fine. but it will NOT let me use JR SL(06d) 2-H-L center/left 15ft or JR SL(06d) 2-H center/right 15ft as block signals, which annoys me because around here those kinds of signals are commonly found as block signals :(
I solved this, I cloned the assets and changed the scripts to match the 06 signals rather than the 06d.

That action will negate any operational scripting for that type of signal and likely result in incorrect readings from other signals. The real issue is that your signal library is out of date for the new signals and doesn't recognize certain parameters in the config. See the page http://jointedrail.com/product/signal-fx-library/ for an up to date version.
I had the same problem, Justin, and realized after reading this I had the wrong library. Updated it, and they work like a charm. Would love to see a set of gantry signals for these signals in the future! (just a little hint, lol). Great work on these, as they look just like the prototypes, and being able to adjust the heads is terrific! One question, though; at least on the BNSF, when you enter unbonded track you get a lunar indication for restricted speed. These signals go dark when entering unbonded track. Was just wondering.