New member
I just purchased this route and I have to say I am a little disappointed. For $40.00 which is almost what TANE itself cost, it is a little pricey. The landscape and scenery are very good. What disappoints me is for the price I would expect better locomotives and rolling stock, the look of the engines is poor compared to what is available today. Also I would like to have seen the TANE track used which takes advantage of TANE's new features. Lastly the fact that you are locked out of editing the route gets my goat! After spending that much, it would be nice to be able to edit the route to a form that I would be happy with. Maybe instead of locking people out of editing for their own use, you could block people from reposting a payware route that they have edited. I have done routes of my own and I understand the time you have to put in to build a route, but there are many route out there that are nearly as good and are free and editable. I am sure I will get flake from people who love this route, all I am saying is it's a little pricey for what you get. Sorry if I offended anyone.