Can TranzDem "rotate" terrain?


V-Gauge pioneer
I'm going out on a limb (spur?) with this, but it's worth a try.

I have a DEM file that has many of the terrain features I like, but there is one minor problem: it's pointing the wrong way. I would like to take the contents of the DEM file, which is easily 70 or 80 baseboards, and "rotate" the entire thing 90 degrees. It currently features a river that runs from north to south. I want to change this so the river goes from east to west. Does TranzDEM, or some other editing tool or utility, allow for this?

If it matters, I'm still using good 'ole TS2010, mostly because my computer is comfortable with it, and frankly so am I. But, I am considering an upgrade to a more recent iteration. Especially if the new products allow the type of heavyweight editing I'm thinking of here.

If this is covered in a document or FAQ someplace, please point me in the right direction. Or for that matter, if it's covered in plain sight in the TranzDEM documentation, I'd like to know that, too. It may be that I simply failed to notice it. That's easy to do when there's a 2-year old scurrying around the house. I also haven't been tracking for a while; other things going on.

Thanks in advance.

You may want to ask this as well on the TransDem forums, although Roland visits here frequently. Regards to your question, I know you can offset when exporting to Trainz, but I don't think rotation is an option yet.

Maybe a new feature for the next release? :)

A simple answer is NO, TransDEM cannot rotate the terrain and most likely none of the others will also since you are working with vector data.
So I've gathered.

Pony feathers!

Oh well. In all honesty, being able to rotate the DEM would have been nice, but not essential. I think it would be wiser for me to just use the DEM as is, and re-imagine my layout/route accordingly. That would be much easier, and certainly more practical.
You can always build a couple of 'tween' boards if you are connecting the DEM to another route so you can rotate the terrain in the required direction. These are also great for changing elevations too between sections that don't match up.
