Can Some kind person please make


New member
Can someone please make me some splines for TRS2004
I need to make alot of long and wide grades. Just using one spline a few hundred times becomes a bit of a chore

Some thing like this would be nice

Set of 2, 4, 8, 16 Slines couple together would be wonderful. as for the colour it dose not matter (like multi train lines / roads but with out the track )

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Trying to work this out a bit more :s

I'm guessing what you need is a blank spline to be used in place of other splines to match the land height to for embankments/cuttings and so on.

If so, I may be able to help :)
Trying to work this out a bit more :s

I'm guessing what you need is a blank spline to be used in place of other splines to match the land height to for embankments/cuttings and so on.

If so, I may be able to help :)

It may be easy to show U I think.

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