Can I run Trainz and another question


New member
Evening everyone,
I am considering taking up TRAINZ next to MSTS, but need to have an idea if I can run the latest version of TRAINZ, a new era.
I used the on line facility " can you run it " and the only shortfall appears to be in the INTEL Graphics area. I have
Intel core I5 421ou up to 2.7 ghz. Sufficient ? Or is upgrading required?

I have in my possession three PROTRAIN 2 addons for TRAINZ, they are all german routes and amongst them is Protrain Pefect 2 Gold edition.
If I can successfully run TRAINZ a new era , are the addons of some use to me or should I consider selling them?

I was given a copy of the latest Rail Simulator , which I tried out for a number of weeks. I did enjoy trying it out , but was not convinced that it was for me.
Found the HUD blanking out the train controls very disappointing. You cannot really drive well without the HUD, but anyway lets not get it to that.
My main question is TRAINZ related.

Look forward to your feedback.


Father Ed Bakker
T:ANE probably won't run very well on your machine, and you'd have to keep it at low graphics settings even then. Having integrated graphics may be bad enough, but a mobile processor is the icing on the cake. Shadows are the biggest problem. To put it in perspective, even a high-end desktop with a top-of-the-line video card can have problems with graphics at max.

I'm not sure if you can import all the content of PTP; maybe someone else can answer that. However, there is nothing wrong with having multiple Trainz versions or copies of the same version on one machine: Lots of us do. There's a certain convenience and performance benefit to having a "lean" copy of Trainz with just the built-in content, or a copy with just the content you need to develop a route, and so on.
Can I run TRAINZ

T:ANE probably won't run very well on your machine, and you'd have to keep it at low graphics settings even then. Having integrated graphics may be bad enough, but a mobile processor is the icing on the cake. Shadows are the biggest problem. To put it in perspective, even a high-end desktop with a top-of-the-line video card can have problems with graphics at max.

I'm not sure if you can import all the content of PTP; maybe someone else can answer that. However, there is nothing wrong with having multiple Trainz versions or copies of the same version on one machine: Lots of us do. There's a certain convenience and performance benefit to having a "lean" copy of Trainz with just the built-in content, or a copy with just the content you need to develop a route, and so on.
I thank you for your response, I forgot to mention that on this ASUS laptop I also have NIVIDIA GEFORCE
820m - would you have the same response for me in relation to running TANE?

Best regards,
Father Ed Bakker
More or less, yes. If you're mainly going to be driving trains, I'd say it's still probably worth it to get T:ANE. If you're going to develop routes, I'd say TS12 (or even TS2010) is a better bet as both are a bit more mature and less buggy than T:ANE, and TS2010 has a ton of built-in content and driveable routes.

As mentioned earlier, the shadows are the biggest problem in T:ANE. Turning them off, keeping the draw distance low, and a few other things will bring you to roughly the same level as TS12 and TS2010, graphics-wise, although you'll have the option to turn them up later.