Few points:
Start with registering your game to your account.
If you already did so, go to the Helpdesk link at the top of this page and get it fixed before making another post.
Till you have a version of the game showing, many will assume you do not have the game legally and as such are less likely to help you.
Do not post a topic like this in Freeware Announcements; you are not announcing freeware so it doesn't belong there.
I moved the topic.
If you post is still the last in the topic and it hasn't been a long time since you posted, edit your post and add whatever you need to add instead of making a new reply.
I just merged the 5 posts you made in an hour.
May I suggest you try to learn reskinning yourself or at least supply the KUIDs of the engines that can legally be reskinned and uploaded to the DLS so you at least have done some of the work? Because currently your post still looks a bit like gimmy pigging to me.