Cab tilt


Coconut God
I don't have any special type of tilt or sway turned on, but I noticed an odd effect from a custom cabview. This is the "cabview" mounted on a flatcar;


It's nothing more than a generic side console with all the controls attached, no "bonnet" hood or shell. The method is to use the model itself as a cab shell;


The idea being that one cabview can be used for any repaint, since what you see from inside the cab is the actual exterior of the loco itself, so if it's black you see black, red you see red, any rust spots on the sides you'll see the same rust spots from inside.

One odd effect I noticed when taking sharp curves is the loco visibly tilts from the interior, although I don't see the tilt from outside views - and neither the console or the camera tilts with the "shell".

Dunno why it does that, but to me it's a curiosity rather than a problem.