Buying some stuff...want a little input.


TS2010EE SP3; Build 49933
Hey everyone.:wave:

This doesn't quite relate to Trainz, but somewhat does.:hehe:

I'm going into a computer graphics class next year for school and they use Adobe products like Illustrator, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver.

I talked to the teacher and he said that it would be great to get these products for home. So I have researched a little bit and found a program that somewhat interests me.

Now I know the price is a bit high(:eek:), but if it will last me a long time it might be a good offer. Plus it has a lot more that looks interesting to me.:D (I'm getting the full version)

Now for the question relating to Trainz.:) (bout time right?)

I use FRAPS to make my videos (the free version, taking 30 second long clips). The format they come in is .avi format so thats not a problem. Now lately I have been using Window Movie Maker, which I have come to the conclusion: sucks on Vista.:p

Now, the new program I'm getting includes a video making program (Adobe Illustrator I believe it is). I would like to know does this program support .avi files? And does any one use this program(s) here?

What do you guys think? I'm only a freshman right now going to a sophmore next year. I'm hoping to get a job this summer to help me get the program as well. Is this a good deal? I do a lot of graphic stuff and video stuff, so I think it is a nice trade for the price.:o

I'm hopefully getting a new camera as well.

Just want a little input. I think its about time to look at something a bit more professional in my mind.:D

Thats what the teacher said but we didnt find it on the site...we looked all period....Boy is that site big!!:hehe:

If you have any info on that please direct me to it please.

Try here

There are products such as Blender which are worth looking at. Basically any product you buy in the Adobe range will be out of date before you have finished your education so factor that into your decision. 3DS Max has a student deal that's a bit cheaper and it is heavily used in the industry.

Cheerio John