Building the Wallace Branch - New Series

Thank you for the nice comment! What thread on the Forum do you suggest?

Since I have quite a lot of work left on the mesh, I don’t need help just yet, but probably will when the animation comes along.

The tiny bumps on the top of the boiler, do you mean? I don’t see any other bumps, the white is just plain white, except some natural noise from the render in cycles. The bumps on the top are little raised knobs or bolts of some sort, not really sure what, they appear as two round knobs and they run all along the very top of the boiler.
Yes, the render noise. That's exactly what I get when rendering in certain modes in THEA, and sometimes V-RAY. I just wanted to know what caused it.
As for where to post a WIP, I would suggest Content Creation Support, here >>>
Or, in Freeware Announcements. I see more WIP locos in there >>>
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The latest progress on the Northern Pacific Z-3, No. 4025.

Like any big project, a little bit each day and it's already looking like a real locomotive!
  • Mesh: mostle done, except bogeys, driving rods, valve gear, and related
  • Texturing: initial start, missing some painted-on weathering and stencils
  • Animation: not started
  • Tender: not started

New episode in the series today, this time covering the gigantic smelter complex. This is probably the largest single project on the route, and it will have a central part in operations.

Let me know what you think!