Building bridges


New member
I am having a hard time with bridges for cars. I always end up with a big bump at each end of the bridge. The pavement on the bridge is higher than the pavement on the road. Cars do cross it, but with an unrealistic rise (though they do slow down while on the bridges :) ). Is there a way to adjust the two pavements to match? Does anyone know of a tutorial for bridges ? Also have trouble just connecting the bridge to the highway. Always have to add the bridge to the side and then move its ends to the road. I think I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure it out.

I am having a hard time with bridges for cars. I always end up with a big bump at each end of the bridge. The pavement on the bridge is higher than the pavement on the road. Cars do cross it, but with an unrealistic rise (though they do slow down while on the bridges :) ). Is there a way to adjust the two pavements to match? Does anyone know of a tutorial for bridges ? Also have trouble just connecting the bridge to the highway. Always have to add the bridge to the side and then move its ends to the road. I think I am doing something wrong, but I can't figure it out.


Your roads and bridges should snap together at the same height automatically. I would suggest doing some tutorials on route-building. If you still have a problem you can continue your road across the bridge without a break.
What should be, and reality are two diferent things. Even in assets created by the same person, sometimes don't match correctly, and we can't do anything about it (at least easily). Not only on bridges but rail crossings, T junctions and all. Should there be an standard? I think so. As Mick says, Most of the times I continue the road and hell with the one on the asset, but at RR crossings you have to compromise here and there.
On almost all bridges and tunnels, I lay a road, or track separate, and slide it into the tunnel, or over the bridge, and adjust the spline point heights accordingly. The "Hold Shift" KB key makes splines not click together like maganets'
A couple of hints for your bridge & roads,

Set the height of the bridge deck (Up or Down) to match the ABUTMENT ground height level, slightly lower is best.
Then Lay the road over the bridge Starting a short distance BEFORE and FINISH a short distance AFTER the "Bridge Spline" ENDS ,adjusting height as needed.
Of course already suggested Hold down the Shift key so they don't snap to-gether.

Another thing to think of is, if you lay a road as a ramp UP to a bridge and use the "Smooth Tool" to raise ground up to match Ramp slope, don't forget that the road will be ABOVE the actual sloping ground ! Just "lower" the road spline down a little when finished, Get the idea ? looks much better if you can't see under the road from a train Cab.
Of course such a road/ramp needs to finish before the actual Road on the bridge, You may need to use the "Straighten Tool" on the
Road over the bridge to stop it bending.

OK everyone. I understand what your saying and I think that may be a lot easier. I did find a way to join the bridge to the road without a bump. It was simply to find a road that was the same thickness as the pavement on the bridge. Who would of thought there would be differences ? Anyway, thanks for the help.
If you use YARN and YARNish roads, the YARNish is slightly higher(noticeable). I like 'em both but don't mix together.
If I really want to use a particular road and a favorite bridge, but they don't match edges, I use a short piece of invisible road to connect the road to the bridge. Then lay a piece of the same road over the invisible road but do NOT let either end of the piece snap to the road or bridge vertices, but DO adjust them so the edges meet properly. If you look really close, you can see the vehicle wheels sinking slightly into the roadbed, but the visual effect is negligible in most cases from farther away.

Hi everyone,

All of your ideas are good ones to get around the problem of differing road heights not matching up. The main reason they don't match up is when the roads and/or bridges are constructed in 3Ds Max and other 3D software the height above the ground is different for each. There should be a standard height required (there may be one) for roads and bridges when constructed so they match up. That is the reason I don't put a road or track on my bridges so that anyone that uses them can put their favorite road or track across the bridge. NormP has the best idea of how you can use your favorite road regardless of the road type that comes with the bridge. I recently used a two track railroad bridge for a road bridge using Normp"s method. It works great.
