Big Boyz


Well-known member
From time to time one of the UP locomotives fails and our little workshop at Lys is asked to make urgent running repairs so that the loco can limp home.

The day before yesterday a big end bearing on the lead unit of Big Boy #4006 overheated on account of lack of lubrication. UP shipped in a replacement in a box car and our workshop crew put in overtime in the drop pit.

Randy and Bill, the repairs should be good to get you home to Cheyenne.

But I suggest you fuel and water then, before you head out on the main, test the bearing by filling those hoppers in our Transfer Yard with coal down at the Minerals Loader. The climb back up to Transfer with over one and a half thousand tons behind you should indicate whether you will make it home or not.

Remember to always give way to those steamers thundering through on the upper level.

See you again the next time you pass through.

"PSC 1a BigBoyz" should be on the Download Station soon. It takes about 50 minutes to complete. Please consider using Cab Mode - the readme in the folder containing the route will help if you need directions about driving a steamer in Cab Mode. Look for this thumbnail:

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Hmmm - didn't realize that I had been so obscure. Obviously more explanation is needed. Oh well, to quote from the description under the thumbnail on the Download Station:

"This session is for PortSwitchingCo 1a. All the items of rolling stock needed by the session will be downloaded from the Download Station when the session is installed.
Note: Three yellow markers represent a LARS section of track; two ProtoLARS. Freight cars will load or unload when stationary on a LARS section. If one car in the consist has been stationary on a ProtoLARS section for one minute, all freight cars in the consist will load or unload in sequence. Right clicking on the section of track will show what it programmed to produce or consume.
Randy and Bill, we have done a running repair to that big end bearing of the front unit of your Big Boy. It should be good to get you home to Cheyenne.
I suggest you fuel and water then, before you head out on the main, test the bearing by filling those hoppers in our Transfer Yard with coal down at the Minerals Loader. The climb back up to Transfer with over one and a half thousand tons behind you should indicate whether you will make it home or not.
On the upper level remember to give way to all the UP traffic.
See you again the next time you pass through, Port Dispatcher out.
Maps and a readme are included in the folder containing the session. Please consider using cab mode for this session. The readme contains detailed information about driving a steam locomotive in cab mode."

For those who haven't yet discovered the trials and tribulations of switching movements in this little route, see here:

This session starts at the roundhouse on the upper level, shown in the first screen shot, and involves loading coal cars at the gantry at the lower level, second screen shot.

On the upper level you will encounter intensive AI traffic hauled by Big Boys. The AI trainz share your track at three squeeze points. You MUST give way to the AI trainz.

spiffy --

Kind of.

Reverse the Big Boy out of the round house and onto the 120 foot turntable. Spotting the locomotive correctly takes a little bit of skill because the loco is only about one foot shorter than the turntable track. Rotate the turntable to access the coal and water spur. The tender will fill with coal and water.

Again spot the loco on the turntable, and rotate it to align with the exit track.

Reverse into the Transfer Yard and make the three rakes of hoppers into one long consist. Head forward with the empty cars onto the main line. Be very carefully as you head north because long trainz headed by AI Big Boys thunder through in both directions at 4 minute intervals. In three places they share your track. You must give way to the AI trainz. The map view can be used to help locate the AI trainz.

Pass Lys Harbor Station. At the north end of the route take the eastern track and then reverse down to the lower level. Skirt the Container Wharf and enter the Teamsters Yard. Scouting ahead using the 4-key view may help in setting the correct path.

Now head forward, taking the eastern side of the route. Use one of the loops at the Bulk Terminal to run round the train. Propel the hoppers into the spur with the three yellow markers under the Minerals Loading Gantry. The hoppers will load with coal. Fill all the hoppers.

Retrace your steps to the upper level. The train now weighs 1,500+ tons, but the Big Boy will make light work of this even on the 2% upgrade.

Place the loaded hoppers in the Transfer Yard and inspect your locomotive back at the loco depot. If you are satisfied with the condition of your locomotive, contact your UP Dispatcher to seek permission to return to Cheyenne. He will probably suggest you take a meal break before starting your return trip.

All this will take about 50 to 60 minutes. In real life I would expect 2 hours plus.

These maps might also help:




This is the round house where you begin:


The hoppers are loaded under the gantry on the left side of this screen shot:


Interesting little session Phil but when I ran through it briefly the other day I found the cars would only load one at a time! Is this intentional or is this yet another problem with MY TRS installation?


Hi Nix --

The same when I tested the session.

Being LARS and not ProtoLARS, all the cars between the markers are supposed to load simultaneously.

I suspect that it's related to the freight cars themselves.

Just another minor Trainz glitch.
