Best Route

A few in my mind that I have downloaded and are very good.:cool:

Philskene's Indutrail Series (Just search the DLS for Philskene)
These are long with many industrys and scenery. Very interactive with many sessions.​

harcourt's amazingly detailed UK routes (Search harcourt on DLS)
Good routes to run around and enjoy the scenery.

Dermmy's Clovis Sub West. (Just search Clovis Sub on the forums.)

The ProtoClinch Elkhorn Extension is also very good. Download at the TPR Download Depot: (Bookmark this site!!)

neilsmiths's UMR (Ultra Mega Route) avalible on the DLS. (Search UMR)

Regional Passenger Transit 2005 By Euphod on the DLS.

Thats all I have. I might be back with more but this will get you started. Look at this thread here: Very good info, and a lot of good routes.:D :)

I'm working on a very long route with hill,vellys,seaside,subways,bus routs, snows lands and dasserd. out lays. The route is so far 50miles long and take a 1h to drive. it called Dragon's Pass II and I'm planing tp make it over 150miles long. Part 1 shoded be done soon. if you like thase tips of routes.

see my web site for screen shots
Best routes...

I purchased Murchison 2 off Sirgibby about 12 months ago. (payware)
It's a really fantastic layout, that's large, with a lot of detail. (I think it's about 420 boards, approx). Someone mentioned Sirgibby put somewhere around 3500 to 4000 hours into building it. You can tell he's put a lot of time into it because of the attention to detail.
I haven't come across anything better yet, but in saying that there are 3 to 5 other layouts out there that in my opinion are nearly as good....
I don't mind paying for payware routes as long as they are large and highly detailed, that represent good value for money.......
Cheers, Mac..