Bendy fences


Well-known member
I am trying to make a rectangular enclosure with fencing, how do you stop the spline from bending? Can't believe I have not done this before.
I have an easier method... :)

Drag your fence around where you want it and put the spline points at those places where you want the fence to be square.

Once you get your fence in place, simply click on the disconnect spline point tool in the advanced menu. This is the same one used to separate roads from intersections and crossings, and similar to the one for track splines... You then click on each of those spline points to "break" the fence and the sides will become straight...

Your fence will be nice and straight on each side.

It took me about a decade to figure this out...

John's advice is good. It's the method I use.

The only downside is that when the break occurs, some fences will have different ends, e.g. a solid post at one end, and bare wires at the other. When the break is made with this type, the bare wires at one end can overlap and stick out through the fence post of the next bit of fence. However, you can always tidy this up by slightly dragging one end into a better position, using the shift key to prevent a re-connnect.

John's advice is good. It's the method I use.

The only downside is that when the break occurs, some fences will have different ends, e.g. a solid post at one end, and bare wires at the other. When the break is made with this type, the bare wires at one end can overlap and stick out through the fence post of the next bit of fence. However, you can always tidy this up by slightly dragging one end into a better position, using the shift key to prevent a re-connnect.

Didn't expect such comprehensive replies, thanks all.
I usually make new spline points on either side of where I want the corner and then move them so that only one mesh length is left between the point and the corner. The game won't bend it if there's just a single length there.