AJ Fox posted this yesterday.
Perhaps all should read it.
Didn't really see anything in that thread that wasn't already in the CoC, but it does claim that Auran enforce the banner sizes, which I would have to say is not the case.
There are banners that are not only oversize in dimensions or filesize (or both), but some that have been that way for a considerable time, and half the people don't seem to realise that there is a limit.
I would almost agree with ozark.
If the limits are not going to be policed, then either do away with the limits or do away with the banners altogether.
Let's see the people with 250k banners@900x250 made a priority, and not have some jumped-up mod warning someone who has marginally gone over the limit for the first time.
Someone else in this thread has already said this has happened to them, so that makes at least 2 of us !!!, but some with almost a magazines worth of bandwidth in their banner have never been contacted by Auran or a mod.
In my opinion, to make that claim, you'd have to see at least 90% of them, which you clearly don't.In my opinion, more than 90% of the sigs are 'eyesores' !
