Banner/signiture sizes?

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I know I shouldn't be going on about this, but there seems to be many users with large, oversized signiture banners. Can anyone clarify to me if this rule is enforce?
I know many don't generally intend to do it, but giving a gentle warning may ask them to change otherwise...

How many are there that just breaks the 100pix height limit as specified in the CoC? Or has the CoC for banners been changed without me knowing?

(Sorry, I thought it was worthy of bringing to some peoples attention.)
This is qouted from CoC.

18) Posting of images, signature banners and avatars are subject to the Appropriate Content Guidelines and the following conditions:

  • Screen shots posted to the Trainz Community Discussion Forums should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 800x600 pixels*. Any screen shots that exceed this limit will be modified to links or removed from the post altogether.

    *The only exception to this is within the Screenshot forum. Screen shots posted to the Screenshot forum should be in .jpg format and not exceed a maximum resolution of 1600x1200 pixels, however, if your screen shot exceeds 800x600 you are required to include the maximum resolution used in the title of the thread.
  • Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb.
  • Forum avatars submitted for inclusion to the selection pool must not exceed 204 pixels in width, 30 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 3kb.
When posting screenshots, signatures and banners please give consideration to those users with slower internet connection speeds. Content which falls outside these guidelines may be removed at the sole discretion of Auran and its appointed moderators and representatives.

Yup it is still 800 by 100. Please try and keep it that way.
It is made this way for slow internet people as stated.

I've seen a number of VERY large signatures and banners. About a year ago, I got a warning for a banner that was "apparently" in violation of the CoC. I harp on this now because mine wasn't outlandish or anything...(meh). Anyway, I hope the ones that are being extravagant will get a warning or something.
I've seen a number of VERY large signatures and banners. About a year ago, I got a warning for a banner that was "apparently" in violation of the CoC. I harp on this now because mine wasn't outlandish or anything...(meh). Anyway, I hope the ones that are being extravagant will get a warning or something.
I also received a warning about mine which was fine, fortunately someone knew how to reduce the size of my Monkey below.

I had my Monkey for a long time before someone mentioned any thing about it and I did not think there was a problem with it.

He and I where separated for a few weeks :'( :'( :'(

WEN: just report them to moderators and they'll deal with it accordingly.

This is qouted from CoC.
Yup it is still 800 by 100. Please try and keep it that way.
It is made this way for slow internet people as stated.

The funniest part about that your's is well over the given limit.
I think that often the what happens when you report a sig being to big, is that they get an infraction on their profile, and thats it. When I received mine I didn't know I had gotten it until sometime later when I went into my profile, and saw it. I think that at the very least there should be a pop-up or something alerting the user of the infraction.

"Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb."

@ Titaniclover, yours is 156.61kb, just a tad over don't you think.

@ PerRock, you have two images which add up to 52.2kb.

Cheers David
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I think that often the what happens when you report a sig being to big, is that they get an infraction on their profile, and thats it. When I received mine I didn't know I had gotten it until sometime later when I went into my profile, and saw it. I think that at the very least there should be a pop-up or something alerting the user of the infraction.

Actually, I think I got some form of notice for mine.

There is also another thing, that after a period of time the "Warning" disappears (well it still stays there but the time limit is over). The was a mention of this in a post from Alan. Depending on the type of "post" certain breaches of the CoC where issued, in this case a warning first. If you do not comply with the warning, you may be band for 1 month (whatever). Other "offenses" attracted different "penalties".

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"Signature banners may not cover an area greater than 800 pixels in width, 100 pixels in height and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb."

@ Titaniclover, yours is 156.61kb, just a tad over don't you think.

@ PerRock, you have two images which add up to 52.2kb.

Cheers David

They don't specify if it is per image or overall

The usual procedure is to PM the Trainzer with the oversize signature and ask them to make sure it conforms to Code of Conduct size limits. This generally get's it straightened out, but if it doesn't, other action is taken.


The usual procedure is to PM the Trainzer with the oversize signature and ask them to make sure it conforms to Code of Conduct size limits. This generally get's it straightened out, but if it doesn't, other action is taken.


I thought about this while writing my last post. The way I was "caught out" was in a thread from Alan (Auran) and everyone who posted and was not within the guidelines was contacted :hehe: :hehe:

I just did a little experiment to find out what the bare minimum I could do and just meat the 30k limit on an 800x100 jpg @80 compression. what I could get away with is a solid field, the words (in size 55, and red) "Peter Rocks" with a green squiggle in the back ground; that came to a total of 29.8K; all in all I think if you look at most people's signatures that are at the 800x100 (I haven't yet, I'm hypothesizing) I would think that you would find them to be over the limit.

After spending 15 mins looking I actually only found one other use with a signature that was 800x100px the size of the pic was arround 100k. I did discover that most signatures I saw out there are larger than the 30k limit.

Test mine, guys, :hehe::hehe: Better things to do than test others' sigs, don't you think? ;) I support a plea for Craig's Monkey becoming much larger, my signature goes along with that plea. :hehe:

Alberte :wave:
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The usual procedure is to PM the Trainzer with the oversize signature and ask them to make sure it conforms to Code of Conduct size limits. This generally get's it straightened out, but if it doesn't, other action is taken.



NO, it does not!!!

I got penalized in the past for just having a tiny smidgen larger than allowed over sized banner in the old forum of which I had not been aware of and thought I had been ok. A simple straight forward mistake. The very least I would have expected is to get a warning first (perhaps via PM) but alas it was NOT to be and I received an infraction (a penalty by any other name).


They don't specify if it is per image or overall


Your left image is 39.28kb all by itself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes it does state that "and may not have a total file size greater than 30kb"

People seem to think that its the image size that is the problem, only in a minor way, it is the image file size that is the problem for dial-ups.

Cheers David
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Large signature banners tend to make short posts look a little silly, all banner and no content :).

I may have to start using the 'ignore list' again if banners are too big. That would be a shame. :(
I use firefox and Adblock ones that are distractingly big. This also works with overly-animated avatar pics (in other forums) ;)
I received a warning about an earlier signature I had so I resized it to comply . My latest signature is within the limits but looks bigger because it matches the background colour , Not long after I started using it I received another warning from a mod about it being too big , this time I took great pleasure in proving him wrong ;)
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