Backing up content?

CMP supposedly had an archiving tool with it, but I've seen quite a number of people saying that it doesn't work properly. I'm not saying that this is the easiest or most straightforward way but the way I do it is to copy the contents of the 'C:Program Files\Auran\TRS2006\local' folder. That's all your content in CMP that you've installed, regardless of whether you made it or it was downloaded. If you have loads of custom assets like I do, I would recommend you divide the contents of the folder over several new folders (each containing say, 1000 folders from 'local').
When you've reinstalled TRS06 (and SP1 of you have it), load up CMP, select 'import content' from the 'file' menu, then select one of the folders you copied your content to. This is where dividing your 'local' folder across several folders comes in handy, with several folders you can keep track of CMP more easily because it doesn't have to deal with all of your assets in one go. Import all of the folders, commit the assets again (i do this as I go along for the reasons I mentioned above) and voila! You're back to where you were!

I hope this makes sense and helps you out

Organization is key...

Every piece of content downloaded from DS is renamed by KUID & NAME then stored in a separate folder called... 'Downloaded'.

Then each piece is run through the Content Manager to check for missing or faulty items. When and if fixed (if needed), the content is then moved to another separate folder called... 'Installed'.

Those items that I have yet to fix or are bad are moved to a final folder called... 'Bad'.

I routinely make backups of data from my computer, including content for Trainz and all I have to backup is the 'Installed' folder. If I have a crash or need to reinstall, I know that the content in that folder will 'commit' straight away without need of tweaking.