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After an odd noise coming from my computer's fan I brought my computer in to tech support (geek squad) to get it repaired. They said that it will take 3-5 weeks to repair. And they refused to give me a loner (I've been able to get one for the last 2 years from them) So to sum up I will only be able to check email/forums/etc periodically until January 5th at the earliest.

Oh no... not Fail Squad!! *barf*

3-5 weeks... typical. How much are they charging you?

If possible, you should go with someone else... :confused:
How much are they charging you?

they aren't that is why I'm using them. If i didn't have a warranty with them I would have fixed it myself. (open up the comp, blow the fan with the air compressor, close it up)


edit I prefer: Geek squish, geek squash, geek squeek....
they aren't that is why I'm using them. If i didn't have a warranty with them I would have fixed it myself. (open up the comp, blow the fan with the air compressor, close it up)


edit I prefer: Geek squish, geek squash, geek squeek....

You work for them or something?

But hey, at least they aren't charging you! They'd probably charge you $2000 or something ludicrous.
its called a warranty.

And no I'd NEVER work for them no matter how desperate I am for work.

I'll pop in from time to time; depending on when I can get to the library or on my dad's computer.
That's too bad, I've fixed several computers that they have "fixed" first.
Good luck to you.
If I ever fix a computer with a warranty on it, I say screw the warranty, it does you no good anyway.

But then again, I don't usually see computers that have warranties on them to begin with. My own computer is self built, and the warranty is my own :p

The biggest problem with computers-especially PCs: They stop working and then no one wants to do a good job helping. Seeya soon.
PerRock, it's not that hard to replace it, i've done it a few times :P

true, I built/am building my desktop computer right now (which means I have to use the library) so installing the fan shouldn't be too hard (except for buying it with the little money I have) The way I see it why labor over something when you can get someone else to do it for free?

Haha, I was on A warrenty with my Gateway comp..but they chaged me 1,000$ just to put in the grahpics driver/clean all the dust out of it..:(
well I got my computer back yesterday only to find they replaced the faulty fan with the wrong one. Whenever the fan kicked in fully the computer shorted out. that and they messed up my wireless connection so that it would only detect & connect to computer to computer networks :( luckly when I brought it back they said they would fix it and put a rush order on it (so should take about 2 weeks they claim)

The way I see it why labor over something when you can get someone else to do it for free?

(Passage of time)

They replaced the faulty fan with the wrong one.


Well......that's why! Hope you're back up soon! Remember: Tragedy plus time equals comedy!
well i've been checking up online one the status of the repair and so far it has gotten to a shelf in their repair about rush order... been sitting there for more than a week now; I betchya there is a nice layer of dust on it now. I called up the local "precinct" and asked them for an update and what i got in return was an extended time. they guy who i talked to fist off told me 2 weeks, but put in the computer 1 month! so now i have no clue when i'll get it, and i'm pissed.
