Autosave does NOT save the Session


Well-known member
I just had a power outage here in Folsom, CA this morning.

I had Surveyor open.

I was working on a route called "Jon's Route".

This was open for many hours.

The latest edits were captured via Autosave.

I did not manually save my latest edits before the power loss to my PC.

To recover my latest edits, I had to open up "Jon's Route - Autosave".

The latest edits to the map were all recovered but all Session edits
were lost and the Autosave version only has the default Session information.

All custom rules, commands and schedule library information were not carried over in Autosave.

I have to customize the session all over again from scratch.

Can I at least recover the old schedule library information and bring it over to the
Autosave route?

Can the session layer from one route be carried over using Merge Routes?

Can session layers only be merged?