Automatic Trains


New member
Could you tell me how to get a train that is on a scedule to pull fully into the station instead of just the first carridge and the rest left down the line. This is on a map I have started building myself

I also use trains that show the destination on the front depending on which direction it is going, so could you tell me how to get the driver to switch ends automatically as part of the scedule. on the consist if both ends have an engine.

Hi Matthew:

1: You must issue a "Load" or "Unload" command directly after the "Drive to" Command.

2: Issue the "Runaround Extended" Command. This will move the driver to the other end of the train if you have two engines.

Thanks for the quick reply, the loading in stations works perfectly.

Where do you find the runaround extended, all I can see is the normal run around which makes it disconnect the last engine and drive off.