Automatic kuid numbering and how to kill it dead!


Sphenodon Punctatus
Every time I create a layout or session TRS automatically allocates it a kuid number. This is based on its own strange method of logic.

Me, I like to allocate numbers according to my own logic. For instance where I have a group of sessions I may wish to use this sequence (as I have done) with the kuid2 format:

session 1 kuid2:187535:202000:1
session 2 kuid2:187535:202010:1
session 3 kuid2:187535:202020:1
session 4... well you get the general idea.

Changing the TRS-given kuid to my kuid is complicated. I have to go into TO and edit the config.txt to reflect the changes I want. I then have to exit TO open up explorer and change the kuid in the world folder to reflect the actual number of the kuid inside it. I have to exit TO because if I don't explorer won't let me change the kuid of the folder because that folder is in use by another programme! Aaargh!

So after an hour or so I have made the changes I want and all is well.

But wait! There is a wagon in a session that I don't want to use. So I open up Surveyor and make the change I want and have to save. Immediately I do this the kuid is changed. Back to square one again.

What makes it worse is that in the original folder I have included maps and a readme and whatnot. As soon as the new kuid number is allocated (when I save in Surveyor) all that data is lost; gorn!

Please tell me this doesn't have to be! Please tell me there is a way (unknown to me at the moment) to keep the kuid I selected and to keep the data in the folder.

